Governor® 580SE is a herbicide that selectively targets plants by being absorbed by their shoots and, secondarily, by their roots when they germinate. Both the leaves and the roots absorb mesotrione, and both upward and downward translocation takes place. Atrazine, another selective herbicide, moves upward in the xylem, accumulating in the apical meristems and leaves. Uses
Maize fields: To control annual broadleaf weeds and grasses, apply 2.5 liters per hectare (250 ml in 20 liters of water). Only one application is needed per season.
Pre-Harvest Interval: 60 days for maize.
Fill the spray tank halfway with water. After adding the necessary quantity of GOVERNOR®580 SE, top up with water to the desired level, and thoroughly stir. Use the mixture the same day it is prepared.
The sprayed area can be re-entered after the pesticide has dried, which normally takes a day or two. If access is required before then, put on protective gear.
Acetochlor: 340 mg/l
40 g/l of mesotrione
200 g/l of atrazine
2.5 liters per hectare (250 milliliters in 20 liters of water) is the application rate.
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