NIMBECIDINE is a broad spectrum natural neem based preparation for the control of a wide range of insects, red mites and nematodes. it acts as an insecticidal, oviposition deterrent, sterilant, feeding deterrent and insect growth regulator.
NIMBECIDINE is a broad spectrum natural neem based preparation for the control of a wide range of insects, red mites and nematodes.
It acts as an insecticidal, oviposition deterrent, sterilant, feeding deterrent and insect growth regulator.
Alone: 50 ml in 20 L.
In mixtures with other insecticides 25 ml in 20 L and the full dose of the other insecticide
CROPS: Cucurbits, tomatoes, peas, french beans, snow peas, roses.
Target pests/pathogens
Nematodes,spidermites, thrips, aphids, leaf miner, caterpillar, whitefly
Active ingredient(s)
0.03% Azadirachtin +triterpenoids+meliantriol+salannin nimbin
Recommended application method
Foliar and soil drench
Normal recommended rate using this application method 50ml/20L ( 20-30ml in spray mixes)
Normal mode of action
Contact and preventive action
Country of origin
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