Azoxystrobin, the active component, works by preventing fungi from producing spores, growing mycelially, and respiring.
- Roses: Protective against Botrytis, Powdery mildew, and Downy mildew. For every liter of water, use 0.3-0.75 cc of the foliar spray. Treat a disease when it first manifests or when the environment is conducive to the disease’s development.
- If needed, repeat every ten days for a total of three applications per season. The pre-harvest interval (PHI) for beans is four days; for wheat, it is fourteen days; and for broccoli, it is seven days.
- Carnation: Suitable for Carnation Rust control.
- French beans, Dry beans, Runner beans: Effective against Bean Rust.
- Broccoli: Controls Downy mildew.
- Wheat: Manages Yellow and stem rusts.
- Apply when favorable weather conditions for disease development are present or when signs/symptoms manifest. Repeat at 10-day intervals as required.
- Prepare the spray mixture by filling the tank halfway with water, then adding the appropriate amount of MILESTONE® 250SC. Fill with the remaining water and agitate thoroughly for complete mixing.
- MILESTONE® 250SC is compatible with most commonly used pesticides and liquid fertilizers. However, it is advisable not to tank mix with any product without prior testing to ensure physical compatibility, effectiveness, and non-injury under specific conditions.
- When used as directed, MILESTONE® 250SC does not pose phytotoxic risks.
- Apply MILESTONE® 250SC as a spray, making sure to cover the crop enough to provide the best possible control.
- Wait until the spray has dried before going inside sprayed areas. Wear protective gear and clothing if entrance is required, and make sure to thoroughly wash everything after each use.
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