Onion Red Halen F1
Onion Red Halen F1 is an exceptional short-day red hybrid onion known for its superior resistance to pink root disease, consistent bulb uniformity, and excellent external and internal color. This variety is specifically bred to deliver high yield potential with uniform bulbs, making it an ideal choice for commercial growers seeking reliable and profitable onion production.
- Red Halen F1 is noted for its consistent and reliable bulb uniformity in size and shape, which simplifies grading and packaging processes.
- The bulbs exhibit an attractive red external color and an equally impressive red internal color, making them highly appealing to consumers.
- This variety produces medium to large globe-type bulbs, meeting market demands for versatile size preferences.
- Red Halen F1 demonstrates medium to high vigor both above and below the ground. This robust growth supports overall plant health and contributes to higher yields.
- With an early to mid-maturity range of 75-80 days, Red Halen F1 allows for timely harvesting and quick turnaround in production cycles.
- With its high yield potential and early to mid-maturity, Red Halen F1 offers growers a quicker return on investment, maximizing profitability within a shorter time frame.
- The attractive red color, both externally and internally, along with the uniform and globe-shaped bulbs, ensures good market acceptability and strong consumer demand.
- Cultivation and Care
- Red Halen F1 is suited for regions with short-day photoperiods. Ensure appropriate planting schedules to align with its daylight sensitivity for optimal growth.
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