Previcur is a widely recognized fungicide that is a crucial part of the protective programs in many commercial nurseries. It is specifically designed to prevent damping-off caused by Pythium species, a common and devastating disease affecting ornamental plants.
Key Features and Benefits
- Previcur offers targeted protection against Pythium spp., preventing the damping-off of seedlings and young plants. This disease can cause significant losses in nurseries by killing young plants before they can establish.
- As a systemic fungicide, Previcur is absorbed by the plant and translocated throughout the tissues, providing comprehensive protection from root to leaf. This ensures that even new growth is protected.
- Previcur not only prevents the onset of Pythium-induced damping-off but can also act curatively if the disease is detected early, stopping the spread and helping to save infected plants.
- It is compatible with a range of other fungicides and insecticides, making it easy to integrate into existing nursery pest management programs.
- When used according to label instructions, Previcur is safe for a wide variety of ornamental plants, ensuring that it does not harm the plants it is meant to protect.
Application Guidelines
- Apply Previcur preventatively at the early stages of plant growth or at the first signs of disease. It is particularly effective when used as a drench treatment for seedlings and young plants.
- Follow the manufacturer’s recommended application rates. This typically involves mixing a specific amount of Previcur with water and applying it to the soil or growing medium.
- Apply as a soil drench or through drip irrigation systems to ensure thorough distribution around the root zone where Pythium pathogens are most active.
Usage Instructions
- Ensure that application equipment is clean and properly calibrated. Mix the appropriate amount of Previcur with water, following the label’s instructions.
- Apply the solution evenly to the base of the plants or through the irrigation system to ensure thorough coverage of the root zone. Repeat applications as necessary based on disease pressure and nursery management practices.
- Regularly monitor plants for signs of Pythium infection and other diseases. Adjust the application schedule based on disease presence and environmental conditions that may favor disease development.
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