Tutrack Pheromone
The Tutrack Pheromone is a niche agricultural product used to track and control the population of the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta, considered one of the most devastating pests of tomato.
Composition and Effectiveness
The pheromone in each Tutrack lure – 0.8 mg – is higher than several competing products that commonly have 0.5 mg. Greater lethal pheromone means that the moths get trapped more efficiently, up to triple the rate.
Usage Instructions
Two delta traps baited with Tutrack lures should be located within the field and checked daily. All the moths captured should be counted and handled (removing or marking the counted moths).
Tuta absoluta are moths that fly low to the ground. Maximum catch is obtained with traps that are less than 40 cm above ground level.
Lures need to be replaced every six weeks to maintain their effectiveness
Mass-Trapping Strategy
If 3 or more moths are caught in monitoring traps each week, then mass trapping is recommended. When 3 to 30 per week are caught, 10 traps are recommended per acre; when more than 30 per week are caught, 20 traps are recommended per acre.
Each Tutrack lure should remain in its original, tightly closed package until use, out of the sight of children. If not used straighaway, it should be properly recycled and can be kept for up to 3 months at room temperature, or up to 12 months if kept refrigerated.
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